I'm sorry about the outage earlier today. My web server hosting provider (Render) had a major outage. Within ten minutes I was inundated with hundreds of notifications from my error tracking service:
error_notifications.png98.31 KBIn order to stop that barrage and prevent myself from exceeding that service's quota, I decided to kill the servers until the underlying issues were resolved.
Here are the updates Render provided during the outage: Render_status_page.png327.98 KB Sometimes I'm amazed that "this internet thing" works as well as it does! SwingTradeBot relies on probably a dozen different platforms, data providers & APIs in order to function. And I'm sure many of them have their own upstream dependencies. It's like "turtles all the way down"
It's been about 18 months since I moved the site to the current provider and their reliability has been great. They've had very few outages and those usually lasted less than 5 minutes. Hopefully we won't see another one like this. But rest assured if reliability becomes an issue I will move to another platform.