Here's an email I got recently. I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone else would like to have float added to the filter options.
I use swingtradebot a lot and really enjoy the product, however, I noticed there is no float filter to look only at stock with lower float. Is it possible to add that filter? Thanks so much.
adv_filters.png107 KB
3 months
My response was:
I'm curious about how you would use such a filter -- do you have an absolute number of shares in mind? Or would it need to be a percentage of outstanding shares?
This also makes me wonder if the real goal is to filter for volatility regardless of float. Should I add something like a percentage based ATR?
I've already seen a strategy play on trade ideas to use shorted stock with uptrend and low float by hoping a short squeeze. I think some day traders use it on volatile upside move too.