Stock Screeners
- A listing of our stock screens classified by category. This page will make it easy to find stocks matching your trading style. You'll be able to quickly home in on scans to find overbought, oversold, breakouts, pullbacks, etc.
- A sortable list of (almost) all of our screens / scans. This list shows the number of matching stocks for scan. The list can be sorted by scan name, number of matching stocks or by how many stocks each scan has today vs. its average number of stocks.
- The Combo Scan allows you to mix and match our individual screens / scans. You may combine up to three scans to create your own very specific conditions.
- The Back-to-back Signals allows you to mix and match our individual screens / scans in order to find certain signals made on up to 3 consecutive days. For example, you could search for stocks which fell below their 50-day moving averages on day 1, on day 2 had an inside day and then rose above the 50-day moving average on day 3.
- Definitions of all of our individual screens / scans.
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- Crunching_The_Market on RYDE what a RIDE!!! Holy Crap!
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