Brokerage Portfolio Syncing is Back!

May 19, 2022

*** updated November 28, 2023 to add Schwab, E-Trade and Vanguard

Those of you who've been using SwingTradeBot for a few years may remember when I last announced portfolio syncing in 2018.  Unfortunately the service I was using went out of business in 2020 and so the portfolio syncing stopped working.  I was very disappointed when that service went away because the automatic syncing was a great way to stay up-to-date with SwingTradeBot's analysis on your current holdings.

Well I'm glad to announce that portfolio syncing is now back!  This time it's powered by SnapTrade / Passiv.  Unlike the previous service provider, this one actually has a business model -- they're charging actual money for their services. :-)  (And they're backed by Y Combinator) That means two things:

  • I believe that they'll stick to their word (unlike the previous provider) and keep adding more brokerages.
  • This time around only paying SwingTradeBot members will be able to take advantage of the portfolio syncing.
To get started just visit one of your portfolios and click the "Connect to Broker" button

On the next page click the "Connect via SnapTrade" button.  That will take you to SnapTrade's site where you can grant them permission to retrieve your brokerage holdings.

Once you've finished granting permission, just click the "Back to SwingTradeBot" button and you should see the newly synced portfolio in your portfolio list.  

Portfolios will be automatically synced twice per day but there's also a "Sync Now" button on each synced portfolio which you can click for an immediate sync.

Here's the list of supported brokers:

  • Ally Invest
  • Alpaca
  • E-Trade
  • Questrade
  • RBC Direct Investing
  • Robinhood
  • Schwab
  • Stake
  • TD Ameritrade
  • TradeStation
  • Tradier
  • Vanguard
  • Wealthica
  • Wealthsimple Trade
  • Webull
  • Zerodha
That list will expand, so if your brokerage isn't listed, keep an eye out for announcements of newly added brokerages.

site updates site features portfolios brokers



SensitiveApe144 about 1 year ago

test comment.  Something "went wrong" with my previous comment attempt.

0 Reply

SensitiveApe144 about 1 year ago

What went wrong was the 'went wrong' notification.  This shows we need a way to delete comments.

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TraderMike almost 1 year ago

Yeah, that’s on my to-do list. I wanted to see if people would actually use the forum before I spent any more time building out features. 

And I know those phantom error messages pop-up every once in a while when people post comments. I’ve yet to figure out how to consistently make the error occur so that I can figure out a fix. 

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SensitiveApe144 12 months ago

Trader Mike, thanks for your reply to my comment.  It shows that you did, at least, read it.  (Otherwise, you never know.)

1 Reply

TraderMike 12 months ago

You're welcome.  I read all the comments.  I've been a little behind this week because I'm on vacation at Yosemite with limited internet access.

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SensitiveApe144 about 1 year ago

I don't like giving Passiv permission to trade stocks in my account.  Is there a way to sync broker accounts without all the permissions Passiv requests?  I don't want to open my account some morning to find that I'm $50,000 down because some hacker got into Passiv and took advantage of those permissions.

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TraderMike about 1 year ago

I completely understand.  I raised the idea to the Passiv team of paring down those permissions to essentially just be "read only".  I can't remember what their response was so I'll ask them again.  

I do know that they take the security of their API access very seriously.  Their API is locked down tight but again, I totally understand the hesitation upon seeing that you're granting trading access.

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