New Feature: List Stock Scans by Type
September 22, 2016
I just made some changes to the way the stock scans are displayed. First, I've moved the "Advanced" scans and combined them with the formerly named "Single Pattern" scans. So when you go to the scans page you'll see all of the scans listed along with the number of stocks that triggered for each scan.
The former Advanced Scans tab now is now "Scans by Type". I've taken a first crack at applying categories / labels / tags to every scan. Drilling down through the scans via those groupings should make it easier to home in on scans matching your particular style / strategy.
FInally, you may have noticed that some of the scans are marked as "Pro" now. People with a Pro (paid) subscription have full access to the results of those scans. If you're not a subscriber, the list of results will be limited for those scans.
I have a list of about 10 new Pro scans that I'll be adding over the next several weeks. So stay tuned for those to pop up.
scans site features pro features
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