Stocks in the Healthcare Sector

Healthcare companies engage in a wide variety of activities, which focus on maintaining and improving individual health. These activities include pharmaceuticals, development of medical instruments and supplies, long-term care and other activities.


Symbol Grade Industry % Change
A C Diagnostics & Research 0.30
AADI C Biotechnology 4.88
ABBV B Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.75
ABCL F Biotechnology -2.70
ABEO C Biotechnology -2.18
ABOS F Biotechnology 0.00
ABSI D Biotechnology 0.74
ABT B Medical Devices 0.97
ABUS D Biotechnology -0.52
ABVC F Biotechnology 5.95
ABVX F Biotechnology 0.21
ACAD F Biotechnology 0.47
ACB D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.74
ACCD F Health Information Services -3.17
ACET F Biotechnology -0.72
ACHC F Medical Care 3.85
ACHL D Biotechnology -0.37
ACHV C Biotechnology -0.20
ACIU F Biotechnology -3.92
ACLX B Biotechnology 0.71
ACON F Health Information Services -1.19
ACRS D Biotechnology 1.69
ACRV D Biotechnology -0.41
ACST C Biotechnology -2.11
ACTU C Biotechnology 7.92
ACXP D Biotechnology -0.97
ADAG F Biotechnology 4.25
ADAP F Biotechnology 0.86
ADCT D Biotechnology -0.65
ADIL F Biotechnology 2.37
ADMA D Biotechnology -4.52
ADPT C Biotechnology 0.20
ADTX F Biotechnology -5.17
ADUS C Medical Care 0.90
ADVM D Biotechnology 1.05
ADXN D Biotechnology 2.34
AEON D Biotechnology 4.42
AFIB C Medical Devices 17.24
AFMD F Biotechnology 4.00
AGEN F Biotechnology 4.42
AGIO D Biotechnology -3.21
AGL F Medical Care Facilities 8.70
AGRX C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
AHCO D Medical Devices -0.69
AIM F Biotechnology -2.63
AIRS C Medical Care Facilities 5.58
AKAN F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.92
AKBA F Biotechnology 0.00
AKRO C Biotechnology 1.28
AKTX F Biotechnology -1.67
AKYA D Medical Instruments & Supplies 6.67
ALBT F Medical Care -0.05
ALC B Long-Term Care Facilities 0.53
ALDX D Biotechnology 1.30
ALEC F Biotechnology 2.08
ALGN F Medical Devices -0.35
ALGS F Biotechnology -5.12
ALHC C Healthcare Plans -0.52
ALIM C Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.00
ALKS C Biotechnology 0.48
ALLK D Biotechnology 5.71
ALLO D Biotechnology -0.75
ALLR F Biotechnology 2.88
ALMS F Biotechnology -0.29
ALNY B Biotechnology -0.35
ALPN F Biotechnology 0.00
ALRN D Biotechnology -0.83
ALT F Biotechnology 2.06
ALUR D Medical Devices -1.33
ALVO D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.40
ALVR C Biotechnology 1.68
ALXO F Biotechnology 0.65
ALZN F Biotechnology 1.20
AMED D Medical Care 0.50
AMGN D Drug Manufacturers - Major -1.14
AMIX F Medical Devices 0.00
AMLX D Biotechnology 0.85
AMN F Medical Care 1.44
AMPE F Biotechnology 0.00
AMPH C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.62
AMRN F Biotechnology -1.36
AMRX B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.41
AMS C Medical Care 0.20
AMWL D Health Information Services -1.47
ANAB D Biotechnology 4.58
ANEB F Biotechnology -2.66
ANGO F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.78
ANIK D Biotechnology -0.16
ANIP F Biotechnology 2.38
ANIX F Diagnostics & Research 1.33
ANL F Biotechnology 5.95
ANNX C Biotechnology 0.41
ANRO D Biotechnology 2.73
ANTX F Biotechnology -1.90
ANVS F Biotechnology -5.30
AONC F Medical Care Facilities 0.00
AORT C Medical Devices 1.08
APGE C Biotechnology -1.98
APLM F Biotechnology -2.14
APLS F Biotechnology 0.88
APLT B Biotechnology 3.73
APM F Biotechnology 3.86
APRE F Biotechnology -1.54
APTO F Biotechnology 3.72
APVO F Biotechnology -2.96
APYX F Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.69
AQB D Biotechnology 2.65
AQST C Biotechnology -1.02
ARAY F Medical Devices -1.64
ARCT F Biotechnology -2.52
ARDS F Biotechnology 0.00
ARDT B Medical Care Facilities -0.58
ARDX F Biotechnology -0.83
ARGX B Biotechnology 1.28
ARMP F Biotechnology -0.42
ARQT D Biotechnology -0.51
ARTL F Biotechnology -2.70
ARTV C Biotechnology -5.36
ARVN D Biotechnology -1.76
ARWR F Biotechnology 4.99
ASLN F Biotechnology 0.00
ASMB D Biotechnology -2.58
ASND D Biotechnology -0.32
ASRT D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.90
ASTH B Medical Care 6.06
ASXC C Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.00
ATAI F Biotechnology 0.00
ATEC F Medical Instruments & Supplies 3.30
ATHA F Biotechnology 5.98
ATHE F Biotechnology -2.72
ATIP D Medical Care Facilities 1.57
ATNM F Biotechnology -2.22
ATOS C Diagnostics & Research -1.39
ATRA F Biotechnology 1.49
ATRC C Medical Instruments & Supplies -0.86
ATRI B Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.00
ATXI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.70
ATXS F Biotechnology -4.73
ATYR C Biotechnology 0.45
AUGX D Health Information Services 0.00
AUNA F Medical Care Facilities 0.29
AUPH C Biotechnology 0.56
AURA C Biotechnology 2.75
AUTL D Biotechnology 0.97
AVAH D Medical Care Facilities 1.81
AVBP C Biotechnology -1.06
AVDL F Biotechnology 0.38
AVGR F Medical Devices 0.40
AVIR F Biotechnology 1.44
AVNS D Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.35
AVTE D Biotechnology 0.47
AVTX F Biotechnology -2.62
AVXL D Biotechnology 0.56
AWH F Diagnostics & Research 1.91
AXDX D Diagnostics & Research -2.27
AXGN B Medical Devices -3.13
AXNX A Medical Devices -0.11
AXSM D Biotechnology -2.44
AYTU F Biotechnology 0.89
AZN D Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.97
AZTR F Biotechnology 2.83
BACK F Medical Care -6.25
BAX F Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.01
BBIO F Biotechnology -0.46
BBLG F Medical Devices -4.79
BBLGW B Medical Devices 0.00
BCAB D Biotechnology -2.90
BCAX F Biotechnology 2.89
BCDA F Biotechnology -2.26
BCLI F Biotechnology 9.50
BCRX D Biotechnology 0.40
BCTX D Biotechnology -9.28
BCYC B Biotechnology -1.02
BDRX F Biotechnology -0.38
BDSX F Diagnostics & Research -5.33
BDTX F Biotechnology 4.50
BDX B Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.49
BEAM D Biotechnology 7.56
BEAT D Diagnostics & Research 4.63
BFLY C Medical Devices -4.95
BFRG D Health Information Services -2.22
BFRI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.38
BGM C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.06
BGNE C Biotechnology -3.83
BGXX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -8.78
BHC C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.65
BHVN C Biotechnology -1.79
BIAF D Diagnostics & Research -2.09
BIIB F Drug Manufacturers - Major 1.69
BIO B Diagnostics & Research 1.23
BIO.B D Diagnostics & Research 0.00
BIOA C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 11.15
BIOL F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.00
BIOR F Biotechnology -4.48
BIPH C Medical Instruments & Supplies -0.31
BIVI F Biotechnology -3.39
BJDX F Medical Devices -5.87
BKD F Long-Term Care Facilities 2.37
BLCO B Medical Instruments & Supplies 7.19
BLFS D Medical Instruments & Supplies 3.72
BLRX F Biotechnology -5.54
BLTE B Biotechnology 0.87
BLUE F Biotechnology -0.53
BMEA D Biotechnology -3.43
BMRA F Diagnostics & Research 4.29
BMRN F Biotechnology -0.11
BMY C Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.90
BNGO F Diagnostics & Research -5.38
BNOX F Biotechnology -6.82
BNR F Diagnostics & Research -3.40
BNTC C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -6.45
BNTX C Biotechnology -0.32
BOLD F Biotechnology 0.00
BOLT F Biotechnology -1.96
BPMC F Biotechnology -0.18
BPTH F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
BRKR F Diagnostics & Research -1.77
BRNS F Biotechnology 0.00
BRTX C Biotechnology 2.42
BSGM F Medical Devices -5.96
BSX A Medical Devices 0.52
BTAI F Biotechnology 1.88
BTCY F Medical Devices 2.20
BTMD F Medical Care Facilities -1.14
BTSG B Health Information Services 0.86
BTSGU A Health Information Services 1.59
BVS B Medical Devices 3.63
BWAY C Diagnostics & Research -1.16
BYSI C Biotechnology 0.00
CABA F Biotechnology 0.95
CADL D Biotechnology -0.33
CAH C Medical Distribution -0.52
CALC F Biotechnology 4.72
CALT C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
CANF D Biotechnology 2.44
CAPR C Biotechnology 10.19
CARA F Biotechnology 2.19
CARM F Biotechnology 1.48
CASI D Biotechnology 0.00
CATX F Medical Instruments & Supplies -2.92
CBUS F Biotechnology -4.59
CCCC F Biotechnology 7.69
CCEL F Medical Care Facilities -3.35
CCM D Medical Care -1.32
CDIO F Biotechnology 0.38
CDMO D Biotechnology -1.84
CDNA C Diagnostics & Research 2.25
CDT F Biotechnology -6.62
CDTX F Biotechnology -2.92
CDXC C Biotechnology -3.94
CDXS C Biotechnology 2.22
CELC F Diagnostics & Research 0.00
CELZ C Biotechnology 5.81
CERE A Biotechnology 0.00
CERS F Biotechnology 3.85
CERT F Biotechnology -1.83
CGC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.71
CGEM F Biotechnology 0.06
CGEN F Biotechnology -2.33
CGON D Biotechnology 3.96
CGTX F Biotechnology 6.52
CHE C Medical Care 1.76
CHEK F Diagnostics & Research 2.75
CHRO F Biotechnology 16.78
CHRS F Biotechnology -5.16
CI C Health Care Plans 0.33
CING F Biotechnology -6.82
CKPT C Biotechnology 4.11
CLDX F Biotechnology -3.32
CLGN F Biotechnology 0.00
CLLS F Biotechnology -2.99
CLOV B Healthcare Plans 1.23
CLPT C Medical Devices 6.89
CLRB D Biotechnology -1.89
CLSD D Biotechnology -4.03
CLYM F Biotechnology 0.37
CMAX F Health Information Services 4.24
CMMB F Biotechnology 6.19
CMPS F Medical Care Facilities 1.66
CMPX C Biotechnology -0.76
CMRX F Biotechnology 0.56
CNC F Health Care Plans 0.64
CNMD F Medical Devices 0.89
CNSP F Biotechnology 4.82
CNTA B Biotechnology 4.19
CNTB C Biotechnology 12.90
CNTG F Diagnostics & Research 0.00
CNTX D Biotechnology 1.53
COCH F Medical Devices -8.61
COCP D Biotechnology 1.70
CODX D Diagnostics & Research 3.13
COEP F Biotechnology 13.74
COGT B Biotechnology 0.53
COLL C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.74
CON F Medical Care Facilities 4.28
COO B Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.88
COR F Medical Distribution 1.01
CORT C Biotechnology -0.29
COSM F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.92
COYA C Biotechnology 11.21
CPHI D Drug Manufacturers - Major 3.71
CPIX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
CPRX B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.18
CRBP F Biotechnology -0.48
CRBU F Biotechnology 0.00
CRDF D Diagnostics & Research 0.00
CRDL F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.13
CRGX C Biotechnology 1.35
CRIS F Biotechnology 0.57
CRL F Diagnostics & Research 0.09
CRMD B Biotechnology -0.59
CRNX B Biotechnology -0.08
CRON F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.45
CRSP D Biotechnology 2.08
CRVO F Biotechnology 1.85
CRVS B Biotechnology 7.27
CSBR F Biotechnology -3.74
CSCI F Biotechnology 0.96
CSTL A Diagnostics & Research 9.42
CTCX F Biotechnology -2.91
CTKB D Medical Devices 6.19
CTLT B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.33
CTMX F Biotechnology -5.22
CTNM F Biotechnology -2.14
CTSO D Diagnostics & Research -1.79
CTXR F Biotechnology -3.19
CUE D Biotechnology -1.63
CUTR F Medical Devices -6.30
CVAC F Biotechnology -3.09
CVKD C Biotechnology 7.41
CVM F Biotechnology -1.49
CVRX F Medical Devices 5.35
CVS C Health Care Plans 1.25
CYBN D Biotechnology 0.41
CYCC F Biotechnology 0.00
CYCCP F Biotechnology 0.00
CYCN F Biotechnology -5.85
CYH C Medical Care 2.95
CYTH F Biotechnology -3.99
CYTK F Biotechnology -0.69
CYTO F Biotechnology 3.32
DARE D Biotechnology 5.37
DAWN D Biotechnology 3.03
DBVT F Biotechnology -1.12
DCGO F Medical Care Facilities 0.61
DCTH D Medical Devices 4.86
DERM C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.17
DGX D Diagnostics & Research 0.22
DH D Health Information Services -0.23
DHAI F Medical Devices 3.57
DHR B Diagnostics & Research 0.45
DMAC C Biotechnology 4.94
DNA F Biotechnology -0.68
DNLI C Biotechnology -4.18
DOCS C Health Information Services -3.12
DOMH D Biotechnology -3.21
DRIO D Diagnostics & Research 1.96
DRMA F Biotechnology -4.44
DRRX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
DRUG B Biotechnology 130.58
DSGN D Biotechnology 3.00
DTIL F Biotechnology -0.11
DVA B Medical Care 0.61
DVAX F Biotechnology 0.29
DWTX F Biotechnology 8.98
DXCM F Diagnostics & Research -0.04
DXR F Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.50
DYAI F Biotechnology -6.25
DYN D Biotechnology -1.07
DYNT F Medical Devices 6.35
EBS C Biotechnology 2.86
ECOR B Medical Instruments & Supplies -0.08
EDAP F Medical Devices 3.05
EDIT F Biotechnology 1.57
EDSA F Biotechnology 6.23
EFTR F Biotechnology 14.29
EGRX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -31.43
EHAB F Medical Care Facilities -0.56
EHC B Medical Care 0.34
EKSO F Medical Instruments & Supplies -0.94
ELAB F Biotechnology -0.11
ELAN D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
ELDN D Biotechnology 2.61
ELEV F Biotechnology 0.62
ELMD B Medical Devices 0.13
ELTX D Biotechnology -3.56
ELUT D Medical Devices 1.08
ELV F Health Care Plans 1.42
ELVN B Biotechnology -0.57
EMBC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.11
ENLV D Biotechnology -0.71
ENSG C Long-Term Care Facilities 0.40
ENTA F Biotechnology 2.45
ENTO D Biotechnology -3.69
ENTX D Biotechnology -4.30
ENZ D Diagnostics & Research -0.88
EOLS B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.01
EPIX D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -3.37
EPRX F Biotechnology -1.67
EQ D Biotechnology -5.37
ERAS D Biotechnology 0.00
ESPR D Biotechnology 6.09
ESTA F Medical Devices 3.64
ETNB F Biotechnology 1.54
ETON A Biotechnology 2.38
EUDA D Health Information Services 1.83
EVAX F Biotechnology 3.46
EVGN F Biotechnology -4.47
EVO F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -5.73
EVOK D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.93
EW D Medical Devices 2.20
EWTX B Biotechnology -0.31
EXAI F Biotechnology 2.21
EXAS C Diagnostics & Research -0.10
EXEL C Biotechnology 0.04
EYEN F Biotechnology 2.33
EYPT D Biotechnology 15.18
FATE F Biotechnology -1.29
FBIO F Biotechnology 3.07
FBIOP F Biotechnology -2.14
FBLG D Biotechnology 3.85
FBRX F Biotechnology 4.40
FDMT F Biotechnology -1.53
FEMY D Medical Instruments & Supplies 3.67
FENC F Biotechnology 2.71
FGEN F Biotechnology -3.97
FHTX D Biotechnology -2.62
FLGC C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -8.87
FLGT F Diagnostics & Research 2.57
FMS C Medical Care 1.84
FNA F Medical Devices 4.37
FNCH B Biotechnology 0.51
FOLD F Biotechnology -0.76
FONR F Medical Devices 1.12
FORA F Health Information Services -2.30
FOXO D Health Information Services -1.21
FRES F Biotechnology -1.60
FRTX F Biotechnology 0.00
FTRE F Biotechnology -2.64
FULC F Biotechnology 2.59
GALT C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.59
GANX D Biotechnology 13.53
GB C Medical Appliances & Equipment 1.14
GBIO F Biotechnology 2.51
GCTK F Medical Instruments & Supplies -3.03
GDRX F Health Information Services 0.14
GDTC D Biotechnology 5.88
GEG C Medical Distribution -0.53
GEHC B Health Information Services 0.65
GENE F Diagnostics & Research 0.01
GERN D Biotechnology -4.39
GH F Diagnostics & Research -0.28
GHRS F Biotechnology 5.53
GHSI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.62
GILD B Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.12
GKOS B Medical Instruments & Supplies 2.47
GLMD F Biotechnology -4.68
GLPG D Biotechnology -1.81
GLSI F Biotechnology 0.44
GLTO F Biotechnology -3.03
GLUE F Biotechnology -0.20
GLYC F Biotechnology -1.00
GMAB F Long-Term Care Facilities 0.55
GMED C Medical Devices 0.88
GNFT A Biotechnology 0.83
GNLX D Biotechnology 1.53
GNPX F Biotechnology 0.89
GNTA C Biotechnology 0.00
GOSS D Biotechnology -2.40
GOVX F Biotechnology -0.99
GPCR F Biotechnology -4.44
GRAL F Diagnostics & Research -4.28
GRDN D Medical Care Facilities 0.88
GRFS C Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.12
GRI F Biotechnology -9.00
GRTS F Biotechnology 6.09
GRTX F Biotechnology -6.72
GSK F Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.77
GTBP F Biotechnology -0.05
GTHX A Biotechnology 0.00
GUTS F Biotechnology -1.63
GYRE D Biotechnology 1.14
HAE D Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.43
HALO D Biotechnology 1.79
HBIO F Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.58
HCA B Medical Care 0.31
HCM C Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.00
HCTI F Health Information Services -3.07
HCWB F Biotechnology 2.92
HEPA F Biotechnology -1.15
HITI C Pharmaceutical Retailers -1.72
HLN D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.50
HLVX F Biotechnology -1.11
HOLX C Medical Instruments & Supplies 2.27
HOOK F Biotechnology -0.27
HOTH F Biotechnology 9.19
HOWL F Biotechnology -2.00
HPCO F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
HRMY D Biotechnology 1.87
HROW B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.35
HRTX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.72
HSCS D Medical Devices 5.92
HSDT F Medical Devices -1.05
HSIC D Medical Distribution 0.68
HUM F Health Care Plans 3.69
HUMA D Biotechnology -1.05
HYPR F Medical Devices -0.57
IART F Medical Devices -0.05
IBIO C Biotechnology -1.14
IBO F Biotechnology -19.35
IBRX F Biotechnology 1.92
ICCC F Biotechnology -1.11
ICCM F Medical Care Facilities 4.59
ICLR F Diagnostics & Research -0.03
ICU F Biotechnology 0.99
ICUI B Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.88
IDXX F Diagnostics & Research 0.36
IDYA F Biotechnology -1.39
IFRX D Biotechnology -0.66
IGC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.14
IGMS C Biotechnology 12.00
IINN D Medical Devices 1.46
IKNA C Biotechnology 0.00
IKT D Biotechnology 8.16
ILMN B Diagnostics & Research 2.43
IMAB D Biotechnology 8.66
IMCC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.65
IMCR F Biotechnology 3.54
IMMP F Biotechnology 2.18
IMMX F Biotechnology -4.83
IMNM F Biotechnology -0.65
IMNN F Biotechnology 0.98
IMRN F Biotechnology 0.90
IMRX D Biotechnology -8.68
IMTX F Biotechnology -0.48
IMUX D Biotechnology 3.93
IMVT F Biotechnology -3.16
INAB F Biotechnology 0.84
INBS F Medical Devices -2.68
INBX C Biotechnology -0.90
INCR F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -6.56
INCY C Biotechnology -1.03
INDP F Biotechnology -3.15
INDV F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 5.90
INFU D Medical Instruments & Supplies -2.02
INGN D Medical Devices 2.11
INKT F Biotechnology 1.34
INM F Biotechnology -1.43
INMB F Biotechnology -1.17
INMD D Medical Devices 0.91
INNV D Medical Care Facilities 0.17
INO F Biotechnology -0.87
INSM C Biotechnology 0.70
INSP C Medical Devices -0.18
INTS F Biotechnology 1.49
INVA B Biotechnology 0.45
INVO D Medical Devices 89.31
INZY D Biotechnology 1.35
IOBT F Biotechnology 7.41
IONM F Medical Care Facilities 0.00
IONS F Biotechnology 0.49
IOVA F Biotechnology 0.31
IPA F Biotechnology -1.94
IPHA F Biotechnology -2.42
IPSC F Biotechnology -4.52
IQV D Diagnostics & Research 1.73
IRIX F Medical Devices 2.60
IRMD B Medical Devices -0.08
IRON F Biotechnology 0.50
IRTC F Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.52
IRWD F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.70
ISPC F Diagnostics & Research 0.71
ISRG B Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.58
ITCI D Biotechnology -2.53
ITGR A Medical Devices 2.47
ITOS F Biotechnology -2.21
ITRM F Biotechnology 8.59
IVA D Biotechnology 41.27
IVVD F Biotechnology -2.58
IXHL F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.69
JAGX D Biotechnology 0.80
JANX C Biotechnology -0.40
JAZZ D Biotechnology 2.05
JNJ D Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.09
JSPR F Biotechnology 10.46
JYNT F Medical Care -1.22
KA F Biotechnology 0.00
KALA F Biotechnology -1.88
KALV F Biotechnology 0.77
KAPA D Biotechnology 7.80
KDLY F Medical Care Facilities -13.67
KIDS F Medical Devices 5.44
KMDA F Biotechnology 0.38
KNSA C Biotechnology 0.26
KOD D Biotechnology 1.76
KPRX F Biotechnology -9.88
KPTI D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.30
KRBP F Biotechnology -8.47
KRMD C Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.37
KRON F Biotechnology -0.11
KROS C Biotechnology 1.20
KRRO F Biotechnology 1.50
KRYS D Biotechnology 0.49
KTRA D Biotechnology 11.30
KTTA D Biotechnology -1.05
KURA F Biotechnology -2.80
KYMR D Biotechnology 2.29
KYTX F Biotechnology 6.86
KZIA D Biotechnology -0.84
KZR C Biotechnology 2.64
LAB F Diagnostics & Research 0.00
LAKE D Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.78
LBPH A Biotechnology 51.65
LCTX F Biotechnology 0.42
LEGN F Biotechnology -0.64
LENZ B Biotechnology 3.20
LFMD F Pharmaceutical Retailers 5.94
LFMDP B Pharmaceutical Retailers 1.43
LFST C Medical Care Facilities 2.44
LFWD F Medical Devices -4.18
LGND C Biotechnology 0.51
LGVN F Biotechnology 8.38
LH D Diagnostics & Research 0.21
LIEN B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.36
LIFW F Health Information Services 1.54
LIPO F Biotechnology -2.20
LIVN C Medical Devices 2.45
LIXT F Biotechnology -4.84
LLY C Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.27
LMAT B Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.71
LNSR B Medical Devices 14.49
LNTH C Diagnostics & Research -1.31
LPCN C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.68
LPTX F Biotechnology 1.30
LQDA D Biotechnology 0.45
LRMR F Biotechnology 3.72
LSB F Biotechnology 0.53
LSTA D Biotechnology -2.01
LTRN F Biotechnology 2.01
LUCD F Medical Devices -0.51
LUCY D Medical Instruments & Supplies -4.46
LUMO C Biotechnology 2.90
LUNG F Medical Devices 2.70
LVTX F Biotechnology -3.64
LXEO F Biotechnology -2.81
LXRX D Biotechnology 2.87
LYEL F Biotechnology 0.85
LYRA F Biotechnology -3.26
MAIA F Biotechnology -9.23
MASI B Medical Instruments & Supplies 2.65
MASS F Medical Devices 0.00
MBIO F Biotechnology -2.62
MBOT D Medical Instruments & Supplies -2.26
MBRX F Biotechnology -2.87
MBX D Biotechnology -1.63
MCK F Medical Distribution 0.73
MCRB F Biotechnology 3.62
MD B Medical Care 1.57
MDAI F Medical Devices -3.36
MDGL F Biotechnology 0.60
MDT B Medical Devices 0.73
MDWD D Biotechnology 6.31
MDXG F Medical Devices 0.35
MDXH F Diagnostics & Research 1.00
ME F Diagnostics & Research -0.45
MEDP F Diagnostics & Research 1.61
MEIP F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.11
MESO C Biotechnology -1.49
MGNX D Biotechnology 3.38
MGRM F Medical Devices -2.92
MGRX F Health Information Services -10.68
MGTX D Biotechnology 9.18
MGX F Biotechnology -0.51
MHUA F Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.81
MIGI F Biotechnology 7.56
MIRA F Drug Manufacturers - General -1.83
MIRM D Biotechnology -0.85
MIST D Biotechnology 2.07
MLEC F Biotechnology -5.98
MLSS D Medical Instruments & Supplies -2.18
MLTX C Biotechnology -0.08
MLYS C Biotechnology 0.22
MMSI C Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.24
MNDR F Health Information Services -7.22
MNKD B Biotechnology 0.93
MNMD F Biotechnology 7.39
MNOV C Biotechnology -0.56
MNPR C Biotechnology -2.00
MODD C Medical Devices 1.40
MODV F Medical Care 0.12
MOH F Health Care Plans 3.03
MOLN F Biotechnology 0.00
MOR A Biotechnology 0.00
MORF A Biotechnology 0.00
MOVE F Medical Devices 0.30
MPLN F Health Information Services -0.76
MRAI D Healthcare Plans 14.81
MREO C Biotechnology 3.00
MRK F Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.04
MRKR D Biotechnology 25.09
MRNA F Biotechnology -0.96
MRNS D Biotechnology 2.86
MRSN D Biotechnology 4.57
MRUS C Biotechnology -2.30
MRVI D Biotechnology 3.12
MTD C Diagnostics & Research 0.41
MTEM F Biotechnology -73.48
MTNB F Biotechnology -0.31
MURA D Biotechnology -0.87
MXCT F Diagnostics & Research -0.26
MYGN D Diagnostics & Research 4.24
MYMD F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.00
MYNZ F Diagnostics & Research -4.19
MYO D Medical Devices 0.26
NAMS C Biotechnology 5.33
NAOV D Medical Devices 5.98
NARI F Medical Devices 0.96
NAVB F Biotechnology 0.00
NBIX F Biotechnology 0.82
NBTX F Biotechnology -0.81
NBY D Biotechnology -1.28
NCNA F Biotechnology -9.81
NDRA F Diagnostics & Research -0.48
NEGG F Medical Devices -0.76
NEO F Diagnostics & Research 2.07
NEOG F Diagnostics & Research -2.84
NEPH F Medical Instruments & Supplies 2.74
NERV F Biotechnology -1.15
NEUE D Healthcare Plans -0.17
NEXI F Biotechnology 25.06
NGNE B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.65
NHC D Long-Term Care Facilities 0.60
NKGN F Biotechnology -12.11
NKTR C Biotechnology -2.94
NKTX F Biotechnology 1.29
NLSP F Biotechnology 3.15
NMRA C Biotechnology 0.58
NMRD F Medical Devices -91.30
NMTC D Medical Devices 1.20
NNOX F Medical Devices -0.17
NNVC F Drug Manufacturers - Major -4.03
NOTV D Diagnostics & Research -4.35
NPCE F Medical Devices -2.27
NRBO F Biotechnology -0.78
NRC F Diagnostics & Research 0.95
NRIX C Biotechnology 6.47
NRSN D Biotechnology -3.54
NRSNW F Biotechnology 0.00
NRXS F Biotechnology 0.71
NSPR D Medical Devices 1.40
NTBL F Biotechnology 0.00
NTLA F Biotechnology 5.01
NTRA B Diagnostics & Research 1.38
NTRB C Biotechnology 2.28
NURO C Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.54
NUTX D Health Information Services -3.29
NUVB F Biotechnology 1.32
NUVL C Biotechnology -0.29
NUWE F Medical Devices -16.52
NVAX D Biotechnology 0.72
NVCR F Medical Instruments & Supplies 1.97
NVCT F Biotechnology 0.78
NVNO F Medical Devices -1.24
NVO F Biotechnology -0.22
NVOS F Medical Care Facilities 11.61
NVRO F Medical Devices 1.86
NVS C Drug Manufacturers - Major 0.07
NVST D Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.60
NXGL C Medical Instruments & Supplies 4.83
NXL F Medical Devices 15.24
NXTC F Biotechnology -1.41
NYXH D Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.04
OABI F Biotechnology -1.73
OBIO F Biotechnology 1.77
OCEA F Biotechnology 0.23
OCGN F Biotechnology -3.56
OCUL C Biotechnology 6.95
OCUP F Biotechnology 2.46
OCX D Biotechnology 2.30
OFIX D Medical Devices 3.34
OGEN F Biotechnology -11.19
OGI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.91
OGN F Drug Manufacturers - General 0.56
OKUR D Biotechnology 1.47
OKYO F Biotechnology -3.34
OLMA F Biotechnology -0.09
OM F Medical Devices -1.03
OMER D Biotechnology 1.28
OMGA F Biotechnology -0.88
OMI F Medical Distribution 0.29
OMIC C Medical Instruments & Supplies 3.44
ONCO F Biotechnology 4.38
ONCT F Biotechnology -6.25
ONCY C Biotechnology -8.00
ONMD F Health Information Services 0.15
ONVO F Diagnostics & Research -4.52
OPCH F Medical Care 3.41
OPGN F Diagnostics & Research -9.47
OPK D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.68
OPT C Biotechnology -4.48
OPTN F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 5.91
ORGO C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.65
ORGS F Biotechnology -14.40
ORIC F Biotechnology 2.25
ORKA C Biotechnology 6.53
ORMP F Biotechnology 0.00
OSA F Medical Devices 0.00
OSCR D Healthcare Plans -2.33
OSTX F Biotechnology 0.33
OSUR F Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.22
OTLK F Biotechnology -1.17
OTRK F Medical Care 3.69
OTRKP F Medical Care Facilities 8.49
OVID D Biotechnology -0.87
OWLT F Medical Devices -3.52
PACB D Diagnostics & Research 3.54
PACS B Medical Care Facilities 2.48
PAHC A Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.41
PALI F Biotechnology 0.15
PASG F Biotechnology 0.18
PAVM F Medical Devices -5.17
PAVS F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.31
PBH D Medical Distribution 0.72
PBYI D Biotechnology 0.00
PCRX D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.62
PCSA F Biotechnology -5.34
PCVX B Biotechnology -1.14
PDCO F Medical Distribution 1.26
PDEX C Medical Instruments & Supplies -4.76
PDSB D Biotechnology -4.09
PEN D Medical Devices 4.02
PEPG F Biotechnology -0.79
PETQ A Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.03
PETV F Medical Devices 1.75
PFE D Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.27
PGEN F Biotechnology 0.49
PHAR D Biotechnology 0.12
PHAT D Biotechnology 1.26
PHG B Diagnostics & Research 0.78
PHIO F Biotechnology 0.37
PHVS D Biotechnology 4.21
PIII F Medical Care Facilities 1.97
PIRS D Biotechnology -1.69
PLRX D Biotechnology 0.59
PLSE D Medical Instruments & Supplies -3.28
PLUR F Biotechnology 8.57
PLX D Biotechnology -1.85
PMCB F Biotechnology 0.00
PMD D Diagnostics & Research -0.22
PMN F Biotechnology -1.96
PMVP F Biotechnology 0.67
PNTG B Long-Term Care Facilities 2.96
POAI F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.10
PODD B Medical Devices -0.25
PPBT F Biotechnology -2.38
PRAX B Biotechnology 7.75
PRCT D Medical Devices 1.80
PRE F Diagnostics & Research 2.33
PRFX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.88
PRGO F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.78
PRLD F Biotechnology -0.77
PRME F Biotechnology 2.47
PROC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 8.74
PROF F Diagnostics & Research 1.43
PROK F Biotechnology -4.37
PRPH F Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.41
PRPO C Diagnostics & Research -2.84
PRQR F Biotechnology -2.16
PRTA F Biotechnology 0.58
PRTC F Biotechnology 3.88
PRTG D Biotechnology 4.38
PRVA F Health Information Services 1.20
PSNL F Biotechnology -3.38
PSTV F Biotechnology -3.65
PSTX F Biotechnology -0.40
PTCT B Biotechnology 0.36
PTGX B Biotechnology 2.82
PTHL F Medical Devices -3.35
PTIX F Biotechnology 3.94
PTN F Diagnostics & Research -1.49
PTPI F Biotechnology -3.11
PULM C Biotechnology -0.60
PXMD F Biotechnology 0.00
PYPD F Biotechnology -1.73
PYXS F Biotechnology -1.24
QDEL F Diagnostics & Research -1.36
QGEN D Diagnostics & Research 0.39
QIPT D Medical Devices 5.42
QLGN F Biotechnology 0.30
QNCX D Biotechnology 13.83
QNRX F Biotechnology -1.94
QNTM F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 3.66
QSI F Biotechnology -1.76
QTI D Medical Devices 5.93
QTRX F Biotechnology 4.00
QTTB C Biotechnology -4.65
QURE F Biotechnology -0.18
RANI D Biotechnology 57.43
RAPP C Biotechnology 10.61
RAPT F Biotechnology 6.04
RARE C Biotechnology 1.98
RBOT D Medical Devices 7.80
RCEL D Medical Devices 0.97
RCKT F Biotechnology -1.23
RCUS C Biotechnology -1.52
RDHL F Biotechnology -0.40
RDNT B Diagnostics & Research 2.97
RDY D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.74
REGN D Biotechnology -0.14
RENB F Biotechnology 8.04
REPL C Biotechnology -7.06
REVB F Biotechnology -2.48
RFL B Biotechnology -1.69
RGC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -11.02
RGEN F Biotechnology 3.05
RGLS F Biotechnology 0.00
RGNX F Biotechnology 3.13
RHE D Long-Term Care Facilities 0.51
RIGL C Biotechnology -2.01
RLAY F Biotechnology -0.74
RLMD D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.21
RLYB F Biotechnology -1.82
RMD B Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.08
RMTI C Drug Manufacturers - Major 1.45
RNA B Biotechnology 0.24
RNAC C Biotechnology -1.40
RNAZ D Biotechnology -0.41
RNLX F Diagnostics & Research 0.00
RNXT F Biotechnology 2.04
ROIV D Biotechnology -0.50
RPID C Medical Devices -0.46
RPRX D Biotechnology -0.54
RPTX D Biotechnology 7.96
RSLS F Medical Devices 5.31
RVMD B Biotechnology -2.50
RVNC F Biotechnology -2.65
RVP F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.00
RVPH D Biotechnology 0.82
RVTY B Diagnostics & Research 1.15
RXRX D Biotechnology 1.51
RXST F Medical Devices 0.12
RYTM C Biotechnology 0.84
RZLT C Biotechnology 1.70
SABS F Biotechnology 2.92
SAGE F Biotechnology 3.34
SANA F Biotechnology 0.50
SAVA D Biotechnology 6.59
SBFM F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.35
SCLX F Drug Manufacturers - General -0.39
SCNI F Biotechnology -2.63
SCNX F Pharmaceutical Retailers -2.14
SCPH F Biotechnology -0.71
SCPX F Biotechnology 2.67
SCYX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.00
SDGR F Health Information Services 0.91
SEEL F Biotechnology 0.82
SEER C Biotechnology 0.51
SEM D Medical Care 0.59
SENS F Diagnostics & Research 2.26
SER F Biotechnology -2.03
SERA F Diagnostics & Research 2.29
SGHT D Medical Devices 7.67
SGMO D Biotechnology 10.75
SGMT D Biotechnology 20.42
SGRY C Medical Care Facilities 4.24
SHC D Diagnostics & Research 0.59
SHCR A Health Information Services 0.70
SHLT F Health Information Services 1.36
SHOT D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -3.97
SHPH F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 9.13
SIBN F Medical Devices -0.23
SIGA F Biotechnology -1.75
SILK A Medical Devices 0.00
SILO F Biotechnology -1.94
SINT F Medical Devices -2.20
SISI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 2.22
SKYE F Biotechnology -4.66
SLDB F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.99
SLGL D Biotechnology -2.65
SLN D Biotechnology -4.43
SLNO B Diagnostics & Research -1.63
SLRN D Biotechnology 3.34
SLRX F Biotechnology -9.15
SLS D Biotechnology 0.81
SMLR D Medical Appliances & Equipment 0.00
SMMT C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.50
SMTI D Medical Care Facilities -3.28
SNDA F Long-Term Care Facilities 1.28
SNDL D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.01
SNDX D Biotechnology 3.61
SNGX F Biotechnology -9.74
SNN D Medical Devices 0.74
SNOA F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.81
SNPX F Biotechnology -4.73
SNSE F Biotechnology -5.30
SNTI F Biotechnology -1.40
SNY D Drug Manufacturers - Major -0.07
SOLV C Health Information Services 1.83
SONN F Biotechnology -2.73
SOPH F Health Information Services -3.56
SPRB F Biotechnology 4.16
SPRC F Biotechnology -2.72
SPRO F Biotechnology -1.60
SPRY C Biotechnology 2.96
SRDX D Diagnostics & Research -0.65
SRPT F Biotechnology -0.11
SRRK C Biotechnology 7.58
SRTS C Medical Devices -1.06
SRZN C Biotechnology 2.87
SSKN F Medical Instruments & Supplies 4.26
SSY D Medical Care 0.49
STAA F Medical Instruments & Supplies 4.40
STE D Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.58
STIM F Diagnostics & Research -2.20
STOK D Biotechnology 7.77
STRO F Biotechnology 1.06
STRR F Medical Devices -2.25
STRRP D Medical Devices -0.37
STSS F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.32
STTK F Biotechnology 1.30
STVN F Medical Instruments & Supplies -3.74
STXS F Medical Instruments & Supplies -3.03
SUPN C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.24
SURG F Medical Appliances & Equipment -9.27
SVRA F Biotechnology -2.92
SWTX F Biotechnology -0.72
SXTC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -1.53
SXTP F Biotechnology -5.88
SYBX F Biotechnology 0.00
SYK B Medical Devices 1.16
SYRA F Medical Care Facilities 5.51
SYRE C Biotechnology 6.83
SYRS F Biotechnology 2.07
TAK D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.28
TALK C Medical Care Facilities 4.49
TARA F Biotechnology 8.33
TARS C Biotechnology 2.16
TBIO F Medical Devices -27.68
TBPH D Biotechnology -0.96
TCBP F Biotechnology -1.56
TCMD C Medical Devices 0.85
TCON F Biotechnology -58.12
TCRT F Biotechnology -1.42
TCRX F Biotechnology 2.97
TECH D Biotechnology 0.63
TECX B Biotechnology 7.62
TELA F Medical Devices 2.05
TELO F Biotechnology -7.10
TEM F Health Information Services 3.89
TENX F Biotechnology 12.36
TERN F Biotechnology -0.65
TEVA D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.06
TFFP F Biotechnology 2.64
TFX D Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.56
TGTX D Biotechnology 2.93
THAR F Biotechnology -0.40
THC D Medical Care -0.34
THMO F Medical Devices 0.00
THRD C Biotechnology 1.92
THTX F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -0.68
TIL D Biotechnology 3.59
TIVC F Medical Devices -3.32
TKNO B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 14.50
TLIS F Medical Devices -15.42
TLPH F Medical Devices -1.65
TLRY F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.45
TLSA F Biotechnology -1.18
TLSI F Medical Devices 2.36
TMCI F Medical Devices -1.14
TMDX D Medical Devices -0.71
TMO D Diagnostics & Research 1.15
TNDM D Medical Devices 0.78
TNFA F Biotechnology -2.42
TNGX F Biotechnology -0.29
TNON F Medical Devices -4.49
TNXP F Biotechnology 1.63
TNYA F Biotechnology -4.52
TOI F Medical Care Facilities 0.03
TOVX F Biotechnology -8.28
TPST F Biotechnology 4.39
TRAW F Biotechnology -4.04
TRDA B Biotechnology 6.26
TRIB F Diagnostics & Research -14.00
TRML D Biotechnology 1.47
TRVI C Biotechnology 1.92
TRVN F Biotechnology 17.11
TSBX F Biotechnology -1.15
TSHA F Biotechnology -1.00
TSVT C Biotechnology -0.20
TTNP F Biotechnology -2.08
TTOO F Diagnostics & Research -0.68
TVGN F Biotechnology 187.14
TVTX B Drug Manufacturers - Major 6.28
TWST D Diagnostics & Research 4.88
TXMD F Drug Manufacturers - Major -3.80
TYRA D Biotechnology 0.36
UBX F Biotechnology -2.67
UHS D Medical Care 2.86
UNCY F Biotechnology 4.59
UNH A Health Care Plans 1.23
UPC F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 16.67
UPXI F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -4.40
URGN F Biotechnology -2.70
USPH F Medical Care 1.98
UTHR B Biotechnology -0.31
UTMD F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.29
VALN F Biotechnology 0.36
VANI F Medical Devices 0.88
VAXX F Biotechnology 0.00
VBIV F Biotechnology 0.00
VCEL F Biotechnology 0.96
VCNX F Biotechnology 6.90
VCYT B Biotechnology -0.26
VERA C Biotechnology -1.26
VERO F Medical Devices 0.33
VERU C Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 7.64
VERV F Biotechnology 7.71
VIGL C Biotechnology 1.99
VINC F Biotechnology 3.32
VIR F Biotechnology 1.05
VIRX F Biotechnology 0.00
VKTX C Biotechnology -0.06
VMD C Medical Devices -0.57
VNDA F Biotechnology 8.33
VNRX D Diagnostics & Research 3.25
VOR F Biotechnology -0.84
VRAX F Biotechnology 1.12
VRCA F Biotechnology 5.97
VRDN B Diagnostics & Research -0.38
VREX F Diagnostics & Research -0.79
VRNA B Biotechnology 4.85
VRPX F Biotechnology 1.06
VRTX C Biotechnology 0.65
VSEE F Health Information Services 0.00
VSTM D Biotechnology 1.01
VTAK F Medical Devices 0.00
VTGN F Biotechnology -0.33
VTRS D Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 0.09
VTVT F Biotechnology -3.29
VTYX F Biotechnology 9.35
VVOS F Medical Devices -2.77
VXRT F Biotechnology -1.49
VYGR D Biotechnology 2.51
VYNE D Biotechnology 5.24
WAT B Diagnostics & Research -0.20
WAY B Health Information Services -0.50
WGS B Health Information Services -0.42
WINT F Biotechnology -4.90
WOK D Medical Devices 0.18
WRBY C Medical Instruments & Supplies -1.27
WST F Medical Instruments & Supplies 0.15
WVE C Biotechnology 1.39
XBIO D Biotechnology -0.40
XBIT C Biotechnology 3.36
XCUR D Biotechnology -3.73
XENE D Biotechnology 1.33
XERS C Biotechnology 2.06
XFOR F Biotechnology 9.03
XGN D Diagnostics & Research 1.89
XLO F Biotechnology -3.12
XNCR C Biotechnology -1.22
XOMA B Biotechnology 2.32
XOMAO A Biotechnology 0.14
XRAY F Medical Instruments & Supplies -0.41
XTLB F Biotechnology 0.00
XTNT F Medical Devices -0.98
XXII F Biotechnology 5.69
XYLO F Medical Devices -2.27
YMAB C Biotechnology 0.28
ZBH F Medical Devices 1.29
ZBIO C Biotechnology 7.63
ZCMD D Health Information Services 4.19
ZIMV F Medical Devices -1.19
ZJYL F Medical Instruments & Supplies -3.05
ZLAB C Biotechnology -2.41
ZNTL F Biotechnology -1.00
ZOM F Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic -2.01
ZTEK F Medical Instruments & Supplies -4.98
ZTS B Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic 1.35
ZURA C Biotechnology 0.00
ZVRA C Biotechnology -0.98
ZVSA F Biotechnology -0.12
ZYME A Biotechnology 0.76
ZYXI D Medical Devices 4.18