Stocks in the Basic Materials Sector

Basic materials companies are involved in the exploration, development and processing of raw materials, but many times target specific resources, such as gold, silver and crude oil. This sector also includes companies that run refineries and plants to develop refined materials.


Symbol Grade Industry % Change
AA D Aluminum -0.28
AAON D Building Materials -0.74
ABAT D Other Industrial Metals & Mining -5.59
ACNT D Steel -1.24
ADD F Building Materials -2.00
AEHL F Building Materials 2.55
AEM A Gold 0.37
AG D Silver -3.32
AGI A Gold -0.36
ALB F Specialty Chemicals -1.10
ALTM A Industrial Metals & Minerals 0.52
AM B Oil & Gas Pipelines -1.47
AMR F Coal -3.15
AMTX F Specialty Chemicals -3.32
APD C Chemicals -1.51
APOG F Building Materials 1.68
APT D Building Materials 1.11
AREC F Coal -5.55
ARLP C Coal -0.57
ASH F Chemicals 1.34
ASIX C Chemicals -0.33
ASM B Silver -3.62
ASPN F Building Materials 3.10
ASTL D Steel 2.63
ATLX F Other Precious Metals & Mining -3.74
AU B Gold -1.50
AUMN F Industrial Metals & Minerals -26.82
AUST D Gold -2.76
AVD D Agricultural Inputs -7.56
AVNT F Specialty Chemicals -0.19
AVNW C Specialty Chemicals -6.76
AVTR D Specialty Chemicals -1.32
AWI B Building Materials 0.45
AXTA B Specialty Chemicals 0.66
BAK D Chemicals -0.22
BBCP C Building Materials 0.38
BCC F Lumber & Wood Production 0.29
BCPC D Specialty Chemicals -0.24
BECN A Building Materials 1.29
BGLC D Specialty Chemicals 4.65
BHIL F Agricultural Inputs -7.81
BHP D Industrial Metals & Minerals 1.28
BLD F Building Materials 0.44
BLDR D Building Materials -1.37
BTG D Gold -2.35
BTU F Coal -9.07
BVN C Industrial Metals & Minerals -0.23
BXC F Building Materials 0.28
CBT D Specialty Chemicals 0.71
CC F Specialty Chemicals 0.27
CCJ F Industrial Metals & Minerals -3.28
CDE B Gold -1.97
CE D Chemicals -1.50
CENX D Aluminum 1.96
CF C Agricultural Inputs -6.20
CGAU B Gold -0.74
CHNR F Industrial Metals & Minerals -1.27
CLF D Industrial Metals & Minerals 1.91
CLW D Paper & Paper Products 0.44
CMC D Steel 3.02
CMCL D Gold 3.40
CMP F Industrial Metals & Minerals -1.34
CNEY F Specialty Chemicals 1.06
CNL B Gold -1.28
CNR F Coal -3.80
CPAC B Building Materials 1.73
CRH A Building Materials 3.98
CRKN F Specialty Chemicals -1.21
CRML F Other Industrial Metals & Mining -34.06
CSTE F Building Materials -3.58
CSTM F Aluminum 1.55
CTGO F Gold -1.80
CTVA C Agricultural Inputs -2.29
CX B Building Materials 13.38
DC B Gold 3.72
DD D Chemicals 0.48
DNN F Industrial Metals & Minerals -3.76
DOW F Chemicals 2.16
DRD B Gold 2.94
ECL B Specialty Chemicals 0.13
ECVT C Specialty Chemicals 0.63
EGO F Gold -11.27
ELBM F Other Industrial Metals & Mining 7.69
EMN B Chemicals -0.52
EMX B Industrial Metals & Minerals -0.54
ENFY D Agricultural Inputs 0.77
EQX B Gold 0.45
ESI D Specialty Chemicals 1.26
EXK C Silver -1.45
EXP D Building Materials 1.79
FCX D Copper 1.28
FEAM F Specialty Chemicals 7.37
FF D Chemicals 0.40
FMC F Agricultural Inputs -0.72
FMST F Chemicals 15.41
FNV A Gold 0.04
FRD C Steel 1.74
FSI B Specialty Chemicals 4.78
FSM B Silver 0.57
FUL F Specialty Chemicals 0.30
FURY C Other Industrial Metals & Mining -2.44
GATO D Other Precious Metals & Mining 0.00
GAU F Gold -2.46
GEVO C Specialty Chemicals 6.04
GFF B Building Materials -0.02
GFI A Gold 3.16
GGB D Steel 2.08
GLDG D Gold 0.45
GMS F Building Materials -0.19
GOLD C Gold -0.64
GORO D Gold -6.40
GPRE F Specialty Chemicals -1.89
GRFX F Other Industrial Metals & Mining -1.63
GRO F Other Industrial Metals & Mining -9.51
GROY C Other Precious Metals & Mining 0.00
GSM F Industrial Metals & Minerals 0.26
GTI F Other Industrial Metals & Mining -4.68
GURE D Specialty Chemicals 0.00
HBM C Copper 1.70
HCC D Coal -0.82
HL B Gold 1.01
HLP F Steel -2.70
HMY A Gold 2.10
HNRG D Coal -1.92
HUDI F Steel 1.27
HUN D Chemicals 5.64
HWKN D Specialty Chemicals 1.64
IAG B Gold -0.31
IAUX D Gold 3.67
IBP D Building Materials -0.26
ICL C Agricultural Inputs -1.67
IDR B Gold -1.87
IFF D Specialty Chemicals -0.59
INHD F Steel -1.90
IONR D Other Industrial Metals & Mining -1.50
IOSP D Specialty Chemicals -0.63
IPI C Agricultural Inputs 1.67
IPX D Other Industrial Metals & Mining -1.13
ITP C Paper & Paper Products 0.30
ITRG B Other Precious Metals & Mining -2.59
JCTC B Lumber & Wood Production -0.21
JELD F Building Materials 1.63
JHX C Building Materials 2.10
KALU D Aluminum 1.88
KGC A Gold 0.25
KNF B Building Materials 1.45
KOP F Specialty Chemicals 1.71
KRO F Specialty Chemicals 1.58
KWR F Specialty Chemicals 1.28
LAC F Industrial Metals & Minerals -0.97
LAR F Other Industrial Metals & Mining -2.31
LEU C Industrial Metals & Minerals -3.07
LGO B Other Industrial Metals & Mining 3.41
LIN B Specialty Chemicals 1.54
LITM C Other Industrial Metals & Mining 3.65
LODE D Gold -3.39
LOMA C Building Materials 4.11
LPX B Building Materials -0.26
LVRO D Agricultural Inputs 1.76
LWLG F Specialty Chemicals 0.00
LXU F Chemicals -3.33
LYB C Specialty Chemicals 0.99
LZM D Other Industrial Metals & Mining -0.49
MAG B Silver -0.49
MAGN C Paper & Paper Products 3.37
MAS C Building Materials -0.41
MATV F Paper & Paper Products 2.95
MDU D Building Materials -5.89
MEOH C Chemicals -2.41
MERC C Paper & Paper Products -0.45
METC F Coal -2.61
METCB D Coking Coal -1.07
MLM D Building Materials 1.01
MOS D Agricultural Inputs -4.71
MP B Other Industrial Metals & Mining 2.33
MT A Steel 11.19
MTA B Other Precious Metals & Mining -2.13
MTRN D Industrial Metals & Minerals 1.40
MTUS D Steel 1.25
MTX F Chemicals 0.41
MUX C Industrial Metals & Minerals -0.69
NAK B Industrial Metals & Minerals 3.52
NB C Other Industrial Metals & Mining -5.36
NC C Coal -0.54
NEM C Gold -0.18
NEU D Specialty Chemicals 2.86
NEWP F Other Precious Metals & Mining 0.00
NEXA F Industrial Metals & Minerals 0.00
NFGC F Gold -6.11
NG D Gold 4.06
NGD B Gold -3.86
NGVT D Specialty Chemicals -1.90
NITO C Agricultural Inputs -4.31
NMG C Other Industrial Metals & Mining -1.44
NRP D Coal -1.85
NTIC F Specialty Chemicals 1.29
NTR C Agricultural Inputs -2.42
NUE D Steel -0.02
NVA C Other Industrial Metals & Mining 7.16
NVRI C Industrial Metals & Minerals -0.54
NWGL D Lumber & Wood Production 7.34
NX F Building Materials 7.15
NXE F Industrial Metals & Minerals -1.68
OC C Building Materials 0.98
ODC B Specialty Chemicals 1.20
ODV F Gold -1.92
OEC F Specialty Chemicals -0.07
OLN F Specialty Chemicals 6.55
OR C Gold 0.20
ORGN F Chemicals -0.25
ORLA A Gold 2.60
PAAS B Silver -0.76
PKX F Steel 0.50
PLG F Industrial Metals & Minerals -3.79
PLL F Industrial Metals & Minerals -1.32
PPG F Specialty Chemicals 2.96
PPTA B Other Precious Metals & Mining -0.74
PRM D Specialty Chemicals 0.42
PZG D Industrial Metals & Minerals -1.50
RDUS F Steel 4.07
RETO F Building Materials -30.63
REX D Chemicals 0.00
RGLD B Gold 0.08
RGP F Oil & Gas Pipelines -3.46
RIO D Industrial Metals & Minerals 1.34
RKDA D Agricultural Inputs 1.25
ROCK F Building Materials -0.03
RPM D Specialty Chemicals 0.40
RS D Steel -0.51
RYAM D Chemicals -0.27
RYN D Lumber & Wood Production 2.41
SA D Gold -1.00
SAND B Gold 0.80
SBSW C Gold -0.74
SCCO D Copper 1.26
SCL F Specialty Chemicals 0.97
SGML F Other Industrial Metals & Mining 0.81
SHW B Specialty Chemicals 0.20
SID D Steel 3.85
SILV B Industrial Metals & Minerals -2.12
SIM D Steel -0.23
SKE B Other Industrial Metals & Mining -3.83
SLI F Other Industrial Metals & Mining 1.32
SLSR B Other Precious Metals & Mining 0.00
SLVM D Paper & Paper Products 0.19
SMG D Agricultural Inputs -1.96
SMID D Building Materials -1.88
SND C Industrial Metals & Minerals -2.12
SNES D Agricultural Inputs -2.87
SQM D Chemicals 1.70
SSRM B Gold 0.11
STLD B Steel -0.36
SUM A Building Materials 0.31
SUZ C Paper & Paper Products 1.74
SVM C Silver 0.91
SXC F Coal -2.14
SXT B Specialty Chemicals 1.02
TANH F Coal 4.30
TECK D Industrial Metals & Minerals 0.21
TFPM B Other Precious Metals & Mining -0.12
TGB D Industrial Metals & Minerals 1.01
TGLS D Building Materials 1.80
THM C Gold 0.04
TMC B Other Industrial Metals & Mining 1.11
TMQ B Industrial Metals & Minerals 0.00
TREX C Building Materials 1.20
TROX F Chemicals 0.69
TRX D Gold 0.40
TX D Steel 2.58
UAMY B Industrial Metals & Minerals -4.62
UAN C Agricultural Inputs -1.33
UEC D Industrial Metals & Minerals -3.55
UFPI D Lumber & Wood Production 0.00
URG F Industrial Metals & Minerals -5.61
USAS B Silver -1.79
USAU B Gold -3.47
USGO C Other Industrial Metals & Mining -8.07
USLM D Building Materials -0.20
UUUU F Industrial Metals & Minerals -4.88
VALE C Industrial Metals & Minerals 2.56
VGZ B Gold -0.70
VHI F Chemicals -0.10
VMC B Building Materials 1.05
VZLA B Other Industrial Metals & Mining -2.63
WDFC D Specialty Chemicals 0.48
WES C Oil & Gas Pipelines -1.96
WFG F Lumber & Wood Production 1.73
WLK F Specialty Chemicals 2.94
WLKP A Chemicals 0.24
WOR D Steel -1.34
WPM B Silver 1.41
WRN D Industrial Metals & Minerals 2.35
WS F Steel 1.47
WULF D Specialty Chemicals 1.58
WWR C Industrial Metals & Minerals -5.66
WY C Lumber & Wood Production 0.30
X B Steel 3.56
XPL B Industrial Metals & Minerals 10.86
ZEUS F Steel 0.09
ZKIN F Steel 3.56