Media Management Stocks List

Media Management

Media management is seen as a business administration discipline that identifies and describes strategic and operational phenomena and problems in the leadership of media enterprises. Media management contains the functions strategic management, procurement management, production management, organizational management and marketing of media enterprises.
A uniform definition of the term media management does not yet exist, and "the field of media management in its present form is neither clearly defined nor cohesive."
Notwithstanding this fact, among existing definitions there is a shared base concerning the business administrative character of media management and the functional understanding of management. In the following a number of definitions are provided.
"Media Management consists of (1) the ability to supervise and motivate employees and (2) the ability to operate facilities and resources in a cost-effective (profitable) manner.""The core task of media management is to build a bridge between the general theoretical disciplines of management and the specifities of the media industry.""Media and internet management covers all the goal-oriented activities of planning, organization and control within the framework of the creation and distribution processes for information or entertainment content in media enterprises."
Media professionals need strong commercial, strategic, and managerial skills to be successful in an industry constantly undergoing fundamental changes. This Masters programme equips you with these skills, next to providing you with entrepreneurial leadership qualities. Additionally, students are trained to deal with the complex challenges presented by new technologies, learn about consumer behaviour, and analyse evolving business models

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