Bollinger Bands Stock Scans
These "Bollinger Bands" scans can help you find stocks which are exhibiting certain volatility characteristics and/or patterns. A major concept behind the bands is that stocks continually move between phases of high volatility to low volatility and back to high. Another usage is to identify when a stock is (relatively) high or low -- the lower band is considered low, while the upper band is considered high.
The Bolling Band Squeeze scans will identify stocks as they begin, remain in, or exit a low-volatility phase. Conversely, stocks with wide (widely spread) bands are in a high volatility phase.
A Bollinger Band Walk indicates a high level of price momentum. Price may walk up the upper band or down the lower band.
Name | Description |
Above Upper BB | Stocks which closed above their upper Bollinger Band. |
BB Squeeze + Lower Band Touch | Stocks in a Bollinger Band Squeeze which touched the lower band. |
BB Squeeze + Upper Band Touch | Stocks in a Bollinger Band Squeeze which touched the upper band. |
BB Squeeze Ended | Stocks which ended a Bollinger Band Squeeze today. |
BB Squeeze Started | Stocks which started a Bollinger Band Squeeze today. |
Below Lower BB | Stocks which closed below their lower Bollinger Band. |
Bollinger Band Squeeze | Volatility has fallen to low levels and the Bollinger Bands Bandwidth has narrowed to near 6-month lows. |
Lower Bollinger Band Touch | Stocks which Touched their Lower Bollinger Band. |
Lower Bollinger Band Walk | Stocks which are walking down their lower Bollinger Band |
Parabolic Rise | Stocks which are in the midst of an extremely sharp rally. They are very extended and may be ripe for a pullback. |
Upper Bollinger Band Touch | Stocks which Touched their Upper Bollinger Band. |
Upper Bollinger Band Walk | Stocks which are walking up their upper Bollinger Bands |
Wide Bands | Stocks with widely spread Bollinger Bands, indicating high volatility. |
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