Stocks in the Electrical Equipment & Parts Industry

Sector: Industrials

The Electrical Equipment & Parts industry is a broad category that encompasses a wide range of products and services related to the production, distribution, and use of electricity. This includes everything from electrical components and wiring to power generation and transmission equipment. It also includes the manufacture of electrical equipment and parts, such as circuit boards, transformers, and motors. The industry also includes the installation and maintenance of electrical systems, as well as the sale of electrical supplies and parts.

Recent Signals

Date Stock Signal Type
2024-05-31 ADSE New 52 Week Closing High Bullish
2024-05-31 ADSE Cup with Handle Other
2024-05-31 ADSE Pocket Pivot Bullish Swing Setup
2024-05-31 ELVA Non-ADX 1,2,3,4 Bearish Bearish Swing Setup
2024-05-31 ELVA Narrow Range Bar Range Contraction
2024-05-31 ENVX 200 DMA Support Bullish
2024-05-31 FREY Calm After Storm Range Contraction
2024-05-31 GWH 50 DMA Support Bullish
2024-05-31 GWH NR7 Range Contraction
2024-05-31 GWH NR7-2 Range Contraction
2024-05-31 GWH Hammer Candlestick Bullish
2024-05-31 GWH MACD Bearish Centerline Cross Bearish
2024-05-31 GWH Non-ADX 1,2,3,4 Bullish Bullish Swing Setup
2024-05-31 HAYW Bollinger Band Squeeze Range Contraction
2024-05-31 HAYW Stochastic Buy Signal Bullish
2024-05-31 HAYW 50 DMA Support Bullish
2024-05-31 HAYW 20 DMA Resistance Bearish
2024-05-31 NVX Lower Bollinger Band Walk Weakness
2024-05-31 NVX Jack-in-the-Box Bearish Bearish Swing Setup
2024-05-31 RAYA Calm After Storm Range Contraction
2024-05-31 SLDP Bollinger Band Squeeze Range Contraction
2024-05-31 SLDP Fell Below 20 DMA Bearish
2024-05-31 SLDP 50 DMA Support Bullish
2024-05-31 XPON MACD Bullish Signal Line Cross Bullish
2024-05-31 XPON 20 DMA Resistance Bearish