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In double entry bookkeeping, debits and credits (abbreviated Dr and Cr, respectively) are entries made in account ledgers to record changes in value resulting from business transactions. Generally speaking (in T-Account terms), if cash is spent in a business transaction, the cash account is credited (that is, an entry is made on the right side of the T-Account's ledger), and conversely, when cash is obtained in a business transaction, it is described as a debit (that is, an entry is made on the left side of the T-Account's ledger). Debits and Credits can occur in any account. For simplicity it is often best to view Debits as positive numbers and Credits as negative numbers. When all the debits and credits that are transacted in each account are added up the resulting account total could be a net Debit (positive number) or a net Credit (negative number). If the total of the account is in a net Debit position (positive), it is generally classified in the Asset section of the balance sheet, whereas accounts that total to a net Credit (negative) are shown in the liability section of the balance sheet. Accounts that relate to the company's profit (example: Sales, Cost of Sales, Expenses) are totaled to yield company earnings and are classified in the Equity section of the balance sheet. A net Credit (negative) balance in Retained Earnings in the Equity Section demonstrates that the company has been profitable over time, whereas a Debit (positive) balance in the Equity section, would demonstrate that the company has been unprofitable. In most companies the following accounts end-up in Credit positions: accounts payable, share capital, loans payable; while Debit accounts typically include Equipment, Inventory, Accounts Receivable. Debits (positive numbers) must equal Credits (negatives) in each transaction; individual transactions may require multiple debit and credit entries.For the company as a whole, the net position of every account (debit or credit) is shown in the trial balance report. The trial balance report must add to zero; otherwise an error has occurred.Accountants group accounts from the trial balance report to prepare financial statements.

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